News & Media

The Art of Curiosity: How Asking the Right Questions Fuels Scientific Discovery

Curiosity is a word we often hear, but how often do we truly appreciate its power? For me, curiosity has been the driving force behind my career in chemistry and academia. It is not merely about asking questions; it’s about asking the right questions and embracing the journey those questions take you on.

Suara Adediran: A Life of Mentorship, Curiosity, and Scientific Discovery

Suara Adediran is a distinguished scholar, educator, and mentor with a lifelong passion for chemistry and education. Born in Oyo State, Nigeria, he earned his Bachelor of Science and Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Ibadan, where his academic journey began. Suara’s career has taken him across the globe.

Suara Adediran: A Lifetime of Scientific Education and Mentorship

Suara Adediran, a renowned scholar and educator, is celebrated for his deep passion for chemistry and commitment to nurturing future scientists. Born in Oyo State, Nigeria, Suara earned both his BSc and PhD in Chemistry from the University of Ibadan. His academic career spanned multiple countries, including postdoctoral fellowships in Canada and the U.S.